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Central Institute


In compliance of the Order of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India dated 23/03/2012 passed in I.A No. 16/2012 in Civil Appeal No. 1944 of 1993 - Anand S.Biji Vs State of Kerala & Others & vide order dated 09/5/2017 passed in Writ Petition(c ) No.267 of 2017 –Dar-Us-Slam Educational Trust & Ors Vs MCI & Ors. Directorate General of health Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has been entrusted with the responsibility to hold on-line Counselling for 15% AIQ seats for UG courses , 50% AIQ seats for PG courses & 100% seats in Super-specialty courses (DM/Mch) , as per various Gazette notification of NMC, various Court orders & notifications of MoHFW.

Types of Counselling:

All the NEET (UG, PG, SS) aspirants are hereby informed that MCC of DGHS conducts counselling mentioned as under:

UG Counselling:
  1. 15% All India Quota seats of all states including Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir, this year onwards. (UT of J&K will also contribute their 50% broad specialty Medical/ Dental seats for the All India Quota counselling conducted by MCC of DGHS).
  2. 100%MBBS/ BDS Seats of BHU,
  3. 100% MBBS Seats of AIIMS across India,
  4. 100% JIPMER seats (Puducherry/ Karaikal),
  5. 100% AMU
  6. 85% of State Quota seats of DU/ I.P University (VMMC/ ABVIMS/ESIC Dental),
  7. 100% -Faculty of Dentistry (Jamia Milia Islamia) along with 5% internal Quota of Jamia students
  8. 15% IP quota seats of ESIC.
PG Counselling:

MCC conducts Counselling for the following Institutions/Universities:

  1. 50% All India Quota seats of all states including Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir, this year onwards. (UT of J&K will also contribute their 50% broad specialty Medical/ Dental seats for the All India Quota counselling conducted by MCC of DGHS).
  2. 100% seats (All India Quota seats + Institutional Quota seats) of Central Universities (Aligarh Muslim University/ Banaras Hindu University/ University of Delhi/ Central Institutes as per eligibility conditions as provided by the respective college/institute.
  3. 100% seats of Deemed Universities.
  4. 50% AIQ P.G seats of colleges under Employee State Insurance Corporation (wards of ESIC insured persons).
  5. Armed Forces Medical Services Institutions (only Registration part).
Super Specialty Counselling

The MCC has been entrusted with the responsibility to conduct counselling for 100% seats of the contributing states, for the course of DM/Mch across country for State/ Private College & Deemed Universities by the Directorate General of Health Services, MoHFW, except INI (Institute of National Importance) institutes.

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